
A song of ice and fire mod
A song of ice and fire mod

a song of ice and fire mod

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, there is no character by the name of Malko: he is a condensation into one role of half a dozen separate slaver characters from the books. Appearances Game of Thrones Season 5 appearances Yezzan, intrigued with Tyrion, ends up buying him for a single gold honor because he's funny. Tyrion proceeds to gain control of his chain and beat the slaver who was holding him. Malko scoffs at this, saying that at least Tyrion is funny. As Yezzan leads Jorah away, Tyrion desperately attempts to also be sold to Yezzan. He manages to sell Jorah to Yezzan zo Qaggaz, a Meereenese Great Master for 20 gold honors. Once he has arrived in Slaver's Bay, Malko proceeds to auction off Jorah while changing details to make his story sound more impressive (and to get a higher price), including Jorah killing Khal Drogo (instead of Qotho) and taking part in the attack on "Spike" while wielding a flaming sword (instead of Thoros of Myr).

a song of ice and fire mod

After hearing Jorah killed Qotho, a Dothraki bloodrider, Malko becomes impressed and agrees to take them to Meereen. Then he attempts to convince Malko to take them to Meereen to the fighting pits where Jorah can prove his worth. Tyrion warns Malko that no merchant will believe him unless he sees the source of the penis. Malko plans on using Jorah as a galley slave and orders Tyrion to be killed and his penis cut off, as dwarfs' penises are believed to be magic. The slavers, led by Malko, discover Jorah Mormont and Tyrion Lannister and capture them. Malko's ship anchors on the shoreline while on a voyage to Volantis so that the slavers can replenish their water supply. He speaks the Common Tongue of Westeros and appears to be knowledgeable of Westerosi history, such as Robert's Rebellion and the Siege of Pyke.

a song of ice and fire mod

Malko is the captain of a slaving ship operating in Slaver's Bay and the Summer Sea.

A song of ice and fire mod